Wednesday, June 30, 2010

They need more help

This was the best of all the hotels I have stayed at in Australia. Being American, I am use to a certain standard of cleanliness and service. I am not use to standing at the counter to ask a question but having to wait while the desk person served food in the resturant, delivered food to people in their room, or cleaned tables at the pool. For heaven sakes, get a permanent desk person. These poor girls were run ragged trying to answer calls, check people in, wait on tables, deliver luggage, etc.

The town was good, very interesting, the tours around town great. But I was told twice-don't leave the hotel after dark. Don't walk to the center by yourself. It was never explained why except for the aborginals walking in the river bed. I suggest that if crime is that bad after dark that the local police do something about it. I didn't like being held hostage in the hotel or that I couldn't venture to another restaurant at night at the mall.

You can book hotels and much more accommodation online.

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